An ominous message, but Ayers wasn't talking about explosives.
From the Omaha World-Herald:
"I wouldn't force myself on the college, of course, but I felt that canceling would send a terrible message to students, bring shame to the university, and be another step down the slippery slope of giving up on the precious ideal of a free university in a free society," Ayers writes in his first detailed statement on the controversy, published today.
Ayers, an anti-war radical in the 1960s, wrote that he told UNL administrators the day before they canceled his speech that complaints over his appearance were "a bit of a tempest in a teapot" that surely would pass. And he indicated to them that he would have felt safe speaking at UNL.

Boo hoo.
Ayers never abandoned his hard-left beliefs, he only modified his tactics. The unrepentant terrorist figured out that it was easier to subvert society from within academia rather than bombing buildings.
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I think Billy is doing a bit of projection here. The University isn't going anywhere.
It would be a good thing to keep an eye on Billy's speaking schedule and protest any public university inviting him. It hurts him in the pocket book.
Ouch-o Billy-o
Projection-ism from Billy usually takes the form of mass murder. How many did he calculate would need to be killed if they refused re-education?
Someone should wipe their shoes on
this idiot's pants for standing on
the American flag. He doesn't like
this country he should move to
Thanks for the information. I would like to know more about it.
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