Barack Obama is now my president. Though I wonder if irascible
Democrats who rode around with those snazzy bumper stickers reading
"He's not my president" for the past eight years realize the irony of
their call for national harmony.
Let's hope there's none.
Winning elections is one thing; governing is quite another. It is
impossible to deny that Obama ran one of sharpest, most diligent and
exhilarating campaigns in modern American history or, for that matter,
that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party has won a resounding
mandate to run the country.
That only means we need a robust and principled opposition.
Remember: Approval ratings of Congress, already low when the Republicans ruled on Capitol Hill in 2006, sank lower when the Dems took control.
Don't mourn...organize.
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republicans with principles -- now that's change we need!
We are always striving to improve.
In every contest, someone wins and someone loses. Unfortunately, my side lost in the Presidential race, though we did retain Mitch McConnell as one of our Senators and enjoyed other Republican victories at the state level. I haven't changed my mind about the wrongness of most of the Obama campaign planks. I'm simply trying not to be a jerk. Why? Because the Presidency deserves respect, and unless Obama shows that he is unworthy of the office, I'll be courteous, even in my disagreement.
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