From Ruffini:
Another problem is that conservative bloggers are there to provide you with their opinion. The new pillars of left-wing media are there to provide you with information, such as that on the U.S. attorney firings. Recognizing that page A1 of any newspaper usually trumps the op-ed page in setting the agenda, these outlets have fashioned themselves as dispensers of information — information usually helpful to the Left and its candidates.
This is because TPM, ThinkProgress, and the Huffington Post are all full-time operations employing reporters, whereas conservative blogs usually run the work of amateur or part-time writers. When conservative bloggers are full-time, they are generally commentators and not reporters.
It goes without saying that Republicans’ problems go far beyond their use — or relative non-use — of technology. The netroots and the Obama campaign succeeded primarily because the Internet is a medium tailor-made for insurgents. But now that Republicans are on the outs at all levels of government, they will need the Internet as a tool of opposition. Failure to grab hold of it could signal a long, long winter to come.
The entire article is worth your time.
"Dispense information." That's the ticket.
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Republicans rule. The Dems may make
up the majority, but it won't last.
4 Years of Mr.-O This is truly a
Political nightmare.
Both Marathon Pundit and myself have experienced first hand the ignorance of the RNC in its dealing with bloggers and the various online tools.
It was awful watching this election cycle unfold on the digital level.
Bush was such a stand-up guy. Never
found the weapons of mass destruction did he? How can Obama
make things any worse?
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