Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. Sen. Joe Biden, October 19, 2008.
This morning I watched Fox News' Jane Skinner interview Stephanie Cutter, a senior Obama campaign advisor. She tried to back pedal Biden's comments--which is something the Delaware senator should be doing by the way--and she made things worse.
JANE SKINNER: " … But he is talking about a test that would be generated just to test the mettle of this guy because he did not have enough experience."
STEPHANIE CUTTER: " … A 'generated threat' is like the Iraq War. That is a generated threat. Going into war when there is no threat to the United States. Like the Iraq War. We generated a threat because of John McCain and George Bush's policies and we're living with the after-effects."
Does that mean "Biden's threat" is that we'll start a war?
Or has living in Chicago, where she pays the nation's highest sales tax--thanks to Todd Stroger, the machine hack Obama enthusiastically endorsed for Cook County board president two years ago, pushed Cutter over the edge?
Hmm...Obama backing a tax-raiser. How audacious.
As for Biden, his mouth might start a war, and "generate a crisis."
Election Day is in two weeks.
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...What do you think 9/11 was?
When then newly-minted Pres. Bush had been in office for less than six months he got the warning that bin Laden was determined to strike the US; which he promptly ignored.
That strike came to horrific fruition 8 months into Bush's first term.
The same will likely happen whether we elect McCain or Obama. Drop the scales from your eyes, John. Why do you and your comrades attack folks just for being open and honest?
If Biden has intelligence on an upcoming attack, I suggest he contact the FBI, its headquarters is about a mile from his Senate office.
"Why do you and your comrades attack folks just for being open and honest?"
Because that was a genuinely stupid thing to say if you want your candidate to win, Rob.
I'm sure Sen. Biden will get right on that as soon as Sen. McCain reveals just how it is that he "knows right where bin Laden is and how to get him"...
McCain's been saying he, and he alone, knows where OBL is and how to get him all summer. Too bad he hasn't told the guy whose actually still in charge at the White House.
Give it up, John. Your spin's getting weaker and weaker. Must be the motion sickness. ;)
Rob ...?
While John may need to remove the scales from his eyes ..., what are you weighing out on yours?
That crap can't be legal, and it certainly isn't healthy for the ol brain.
You see that it's turned you into little more than a mouth-breathing Truther.
I mean, that "Bush turned a blind eye towards 9/11" sh*t may fly with the more hairy legged of the Art history chicks who stop by your parents' basement to say hey and get a bag when your folks are at work; but, beyond that, it comes across as fairly lame.
Just like your McCain/Osama tripe.
Keep that up and Rob won't feel comfortable coming here spouting Democrat talking points.
Yo, My eyes, and mind, are just fine thank you.
And if you're ok with our president ignoring a warning that the #1 terrorist on the planet is about to attack our country ... it's clear you're the one tripping on something illicit.
Grey, The bs shoveled by you and your friends here is rinky-dink. Just because you buy into it doesn't make the stink disappear.
How come there were no brain scan reports included in Biden's medical records?
Hey Rob,
Of course I'm not ok with a president ignoring actionable intel; but, I have yet (after all these years of hearing the braying on this subject) seen any evidence that the info Bush had received that was actionable.
"Al Qaeda will attack us. Soon. Somewhere. With some sort of strategy" .. blah blah blah.
What was Bush supposed to do? Lock the door of the country, turn off the lights and tell everyone to get on the floor?
Though - if I am to follow your logic [sic], I'd be very interested in seeing your demonstrated rage towards FDR who actually HAD actionable intelligence re: Japan.
Or, how about Clinton having an opportunity to pen up Bin Laden while he was in Sudan and didn't?
As far making stink disappear, what are your thoughts on Barney Frank and Freddie Mac?
Dodd and Countrywide?
Harry Pelosi and American Somoa?
Nancy Reid and Nevada real estate?
I mean, just because you buy into it doesn't make the stink disappear, right?
And those are the folks who you are more than willing to hand the reigns of this country.
(and no, I didn't make a mistake on certain names. My way just works better)
Hey Rob.
I love you man.
Mean it!
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