Monday, October 27, 2008

Resolved: Obama favors redistribution of wealth

Then-State Senator Barack Obama was on very friendly territory when he spoke to WBEZ-FM, Chicago's NPR affiliate in 2001 when he spoke of the "tragedy" that redistribution of wealth wasn't pursued by the Earl Warren-led Supreme Court in regards to the civil rights movement.

And as we know, just two weeks ago, he told the newly famous "Joe the Plumber" that he wanted to "spread the wealth around."

And who would spread it around under an Obama administration? The federal government.

What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine.

Obama must have been feeling pretty comfortable in the WBEZ studios that day with his fellow leftists--he let his true beliefs slip out.

Let me add some perspective: Last year I listened to one of Obama's terrorist pals, Bernardine Dohrn, take part in an interview on the WBEZ program "848," where she talked about children's rights.

The reporter never talked brought up her terrorist past.

Related post:

Bernardine Dohrn watch

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1 comment:

pathickey said...

Ah, WBEZ - like WTTW - where Angel Dust (PCP) addict go to get a good night's or day's sleep!

It's a Progressive thing.

Kind of like the white noise provided by NPR. ( hushed tones -' We are speaking with Gums Someershein-Haggerty who recorded 'The Old Oaken Bucket' with Win Stuckey for the Peoples Law Office' at last weeks Government Funded Hootenany and Yard Sale at Oz Park. Gums was released after serving seven months for Tax Evasion brought on by his support for GITMO prisoners of dubious sexual orientation and bad oral hygine.

Gums, Studs Terkel called you a 2nd tier National Treasure behind him. How does that factor in with your next CD of Jazz Tunes from the New Deal?'

NEXT on Fresh Air - Bernardine Dorhn and Bill Ayers discuss their plans to market new safe-sex infanticide creams for single moms with HIV-infected lovers and their new book on Hate Whitey -Wear Boxers! Under wear as Racist Code (ed. Noam Chomsky) NPR is brought to by the U.S. Government - Killing Minorities Around the Globe!

NPR - and we pay for it! Yes, Yes.