Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New McCain-Palin TV Ad: "Sweat Equity"

I think there is a little "Joe the Plumber" in all of us.

Here's the script:

BARACK OBAMA: I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody.
WOMAN: I'm Joe the plumber.
WOMAN: I'm Joe the plumber.
WOMAN: I'm Joe the plumber.
ANNCR: Spread the wealth?
MAN: I'm supposed to work harder...
MAN: Just to pay more taxes.
MAN: Obama wants my sweat to pay for his trillion dollars in new spending?
WOMAN: I'm Joe the plumber.
ANNCR: Barack Obama. Higher Taxes. More Spending. Not Ready.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lotta people in that ad who are going to get a tax cut just like Joe the Plumber under the Obama Plan.

What are they complaining about? Conservatives suddenly don't like tax cuts?

Can Joe the Plumber have his "privacy" back now that the McCain campaign has completely used up all 15 minutes of his fame, and then some? Or is McCain going to stop complaining about Joe's privacy any time soon? Y'all need to make up your minds on this sort of stuff -- either he needs his privacy or he's just another distraction in McCain's "look over there" campaign.

Only a week and a half to go. You might want to come up with a reason to vote for McCain other than "he's not the other guy". ;)