Thursday, October 09, 2008

McCain on Ayers

While addressing an audience in Waukesha, Wisconsin this afternonn, Senator John McCain brought up Barack Obama's relationship--again--with ex-terrorist Bill Ayers. He wants to know the "full extent" of that relationship.

In short, although these were not McCain's words, this is the nut (oops, mixed in an ACORN metaphor) of the matter:

When did you first know him and what did you know him.

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Anonymous said...

These people are terrifyingly ignorant. And they're being prodded on by the rhetoric of the Palin/McCain campaign. This election will go down as one of the lowest moments in the history of racial politics in this country. And McCain's reputation will be forever sullied by it.

The only positive aspect of the events of recent days is that people like this are coming out from under the rocks where they normally reside and out into the light of day.

Anonymous said...

My friends, I looked into the eyes of McCain and I saw an "O" a "G" and an "F" (Old Grumpy Fart).

Marathon Pundit said...

How much of this footage ended up on the cutting room floor?

Why did the videographer open up, at least with some of the sessions, "Do you think Obama is a terrorist?"

If you go to an Obama rally, and ask if Bush or Cheney is a terrorist, you'd get a similar response.

2nd anon...

You are very childish.

Anonymous said...

It's scary the remarks I see posted from Ignorant people that talk so righteous and look down your nose at others. prodded. Something is definitely wrong with a person that thinks he is smarter than millions of people and you get your Jollies being mean.
This is like a cult. A man has all this suspicion around him and the the masses think it's funny. It doesn't matter what the facts are, because most are uninformed and depend on hollywood & the media.
In March your man voted on a measure to raise taxes on workers making 42,000 a year. Yeah buddy, let's hear it for the middle class. I don't consider 42,000 middle class especially if you have a couple of kid's. Oh, but mom can go to work and pay more taxes the kids can go into after school program or become a latch key kids. They can also draw food stamps. If they get sick before the socialist medicine kicks in. (what we have already, it's called welfare) just go to the emergency room. The government will do a good job taking care of health care, like they did with the the treasury, Social security, and the rest of the entitlements. using the middle class is a means to a end. Speaking of rhetoric, pandering, whatever. I have never heard the phrase Racial politics. It doesn't make seance or hold weight. When have we had racial politics and what is it.
I don't think those who play the blame game know when the Mortgage crises started in 1999. When everyone in America deserved the American dream of owning a home they couldn't afford, Right.
It's good to know the meaning of Collectivism and Individualism.
John McCain sullied and forever is ridicules and is so far fetched.
Very dramatic! I don't claim to know what he might be, but a man of his character and integrity. No, I don't think so. He has proved he loves his country.