SDS was a misnamed group, most of its leaders didn't bother going to class. Kind of like those "students" who held our embassy workers hostage in Tehran for 444 days. Unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were SDS members, they went on to form the even more radical Weather Underground.
As John Kass wrote a few weeks ago in his Chicago Tribune column, Katz is the go-to apologist for Ayers and his Weather Underground terrorists. But Katz was a black cat who crossed decent society in the 1960s.
Today, many of them claim that SDS was a "peaceful organization." Take Marilyn Katz, who oversaw SDS security during the 1968 Chicago riots.
During the "Chicago Seven" trials, a police officer testified that on one chaotic night in Lincoln Park, Ms. Katz briefed a group of protesters on a new addition to their arsenal of anarchy -- guerrilla nails.
"She had two types," the officer recounted. "One was a cluster of nails that were sharpened at both ends and fastened in the center. It looked like they were welded or soldered. She said these were good for throwing or putting underneath tires. She showed another set that was the same type of nails, sharpened, but they were put through a Styrofoam cylinder. There was a weight put through the middle, another nail, held together with something that looked like liquid solder."
Perhaps Katz will grace a future Obama regime as she now does that of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, providing her public relations skills to a number of city departments, including police.
Katz serves on Barack Obama's national finance committee. Like Ayers and Dohrn, Katz has "no regrets" about her radical activities during the 1960s.
Election Day is nine days from now.
Related posts:
Chicago's Tribune's John Kass: Giving more air to the Ayers story
SDS' 1968 Tragical History Tour (With Bill Ayers' Maoist pal, Mike Klonsky.)
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Love surfing on your blog! This good stuff!
Hey! I kinda like those throw-back uniforms.
Old school and all of that.
Un autre mot en Marilyn! Avec!
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