Oh, sure, there will be major traffic problems in downtown Chicago on election night because of Barack Obama's decision to use Grant Park to issue what I hope will be his concession speech.
But win or lose, Chicago is preparing for trouble.
Off-duty Chicago firefighters and paramedics have been ordered to take all of their gear home with them to speed deployment in the event of an emergency at Barack Obama's giant election night rally in Grant Park.
The order begins next Wednesday and continues until Nov. 6 -- two days after the election.
Firefighters have been ordered to take home gear that includes protective clothing known as bunker gear, gloves, face mask, helmet, boots and breathing apparatus tank.
Firefighters in Chicago work 24 hour shifts, followed by two days off. Paramedics work the same hours, followed by three days off.
Chicago Police are also preparing for the possibility of having to control unruly crowds after the polls close Nov. 4. Gang and tactical teams were trained in crowd control this spring and would be called in to quell any problems, along with the Targeted Response Unit and the newly created Mobile Strike Force.
Specialialized units of the Chicago Police carry their riot gear in their squad cars.
The Chicago Tribune's Eric Zorn, an Obama supporter, doesn't think "Obamapalooza" in Grant Park is a good idea.
But the more I think about it, the more it sounds like a potential massive minor disaster -- overflow crowds of people, all sharing the same desire to witness history, many forced to stand for hours beyond the fences in the cold, crowded periphery without many amenities; understandably oppressive security measures, transportation woes and traffic tie-ups galore, with the whole thing tied into an event whose schedule is dependent on the whims of the news.
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I'm so glad I'm going to be in Vegas on election day.
I'll be getting ready for Leo High School's Veterans Observances on Friday at 11AM!
Leo High School Honors All Who Serve! Facta Non Verba!
Pittsburg Trib Review picks up more Louses in Obama Houses!
As a Firefighter/EMT I advise the Firefighter/EMT's in Chicago and other large cities to go on vacation or call in sick. Stay home and protect your own family or get them the he** out of Dodge. Don't risk your life and the life of your family for people who don't deserve the protection. Hussein's election will be my last day as a volunteer fire rescue worker. We don't do a lot, just cut 7 people out of crashed vehicles in the past 48 hours. Maybe only half of them would have burned or died from injures without help, but I don't look at the American people as someone who cares, so let them survive on their own.
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