Friday, October 10, 2008

Friends of Barack update: Possible ACORN related fraud being investigated in Northwest Indiana

Wednesday it was revealed that there are more registered voters in Indianapolis than there are registered voters. Yes, ACORN has an office there.

While I was enjoying Milt Rosenberg's Extension 720 show on WGN Radio, caller mentioned the latest instance of possible ACORN-related fraud, this time it's right next to Barack Obama's Chicago--Lake County, Indiana.

ABC 7 Chicago reports:

Lake County elections officials acknowledge that ACORN does have legitimate applicants, but there are some problems.

Young workers sorted through ACORN's voter registration cards. So far, Lake County election officials say more than 2,000 of the 5,000 cards are suspicious.

"You will come across 10 cards in a row with the exact same handwriting, different names, but same handwriting. It's very obvious," said Ruthann Hoagland, Lake County Board of Elections.

Election officials say three dead voters were revived. And there was an applicant named Jimmy John, which ended up being a sandwich shop.

Did the ACORN registrar get a free sandwich for the effort?

Related post:

GOP official: Illinoisans tried to vote in last month's Ind. Dem primary

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Carmen M. said...

It amazes me that this discovery was supposingly reported to officals by Acorn on numerious occasions, yet the government decides to wait until now, to report this to the media? GOP you never disappoint! With all the hatred and indifference evoked by mccain this should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Behold the power of the Network:

ACORN – Obama was their lawyer and trainer

Bill Ayers – Only a Ph.D. separates Ayers and Timothy McVeigh.

Tony Rezko – Obama can’t afford the mansion he wants in Hyde Park, so Rezko & Wife buy adjacent vacant land for $600K, so Obama gets $300K discount on his mansion

Reverend Jeremiah Wright - 'nuff said

Emil Jones - “He feels like a son to me.”

Rashid Khalidi - threw a fundraiser for his friend Barack Obama in 2000. Khalidi is a former PLO operative who justified Palestinian terrorism as contributing to "political enlightenment"

Franklin Raines - Obama advisor. New York Times reports that $52 mil of the $90 mil Raines "earned" from 1998-2003 was tied to bogus accounting

Anonymous said...

This is rich. The Republicans steal 2 presidential elections. Voter fraud in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio in 2004 gave the presidency to our great clueless leader George W. Bush. The Republicans realize that McCain/Palin are going to get wumped in 2008, so now all of a sudden electoral fraud is an issue. Truly rich.