Thursday, October 16, 2008

Biden insults Joe the Plumber

I'm not sure there is a hard-and-fast political rule that states, "Never attack a regular guy or gal," but I have no idea what point, other to further exemplify his propensity to say stupid things.

But this morning, Biden did just that.

Speaking about now-famous Ohioan Joe Wurzelbacher, Biden said, "I don't have any 'Joe the Plumbers' in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year."

But Wurzelbacher is a small businessman. Presumably without any government help--short of roads built, police protection and the like--Wurzelbacher did it on his own. And he's accomplished what most people living in Biden's neighborhood--where ever that is--aspire to do.

As for Biden, you remove him from the control-room of the US Senate and there is no predicting what he'll say. How long will it be before a Vice President Biden causes an international incident with one of his gaffes?

Garry Trudeau, writer of Doonesbury, liked to joke that while as vice president, Ronald Reagan kept Vice President George H.W. Bush's manhood in a blind trust.

Will a President Obama have to lock up Biden's mouth in a similar fashion?

Related post:

Confirmed: Obama supports redistribution of wealth

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Anonymous said...

Has it occurred to anyone here that Biden was absolutely correct and that Joe the Plumber does not make 200,000 a year? He is also unlikely to make 200,000 a year, and can still live a very comfortable live. And if he does make it into the hightest income bracket, then yes, he will be paying a little higher in taxes.

Anonymous said...

You stupid moron, you...Do you not understand that if Obama raises the taxes on people making $250,000+ that it will hurt small businesses?! You see, the owner of these businesses do not get to keep all the $250,000+ because a good deal of is turning into taxes...Well, how can you hire anyone for your business if you don't have a lot of money, you jerk? Duh...Think about it, you psycho left-wing, liberal nimrods...God, you guys piss me off...

Anonymous said...

Well what good will a tax cut for Businesses do if the majority of Americans are struggling. Even if you give tax breaks to Small and Large businesses, there's nothing to be gained simply because no one could afford to buy their products and services anyway. Look at Joe the Plumber, right now according to the media he's struggling. I can gaurantee that his employer is not, atleast not yet. Simply put, the worse off the middle class gets, the worse off American Business will be. You have to repair the foundation(middle class), before you can restructure the frame(small and large business).