Friday, September 12, 2008

"Slumlord Millionaire," a movie about Tony Rezko?

Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert, who is seriously ill, was hit in the knee with a program and yelled at by a New York Post film reviewer while watching a movie at the Toronto Film Festival.

Ebert's medical condition makes it impossible for him to speak, so he tapped on the critic's shoulder to move aside. The longtime rcritic's view of the screen was blocked by the Post writer.

The big story, as is often the case when the mainstream media gets involved, was lost.

The name of the film being shown? "Slumlord Millionaire."

I wasn't aware that a movie had been made about the life of Barack Obama's pal, Antoin "Tony" Rezko.

Related posts:

Obama's pal Rezko: Convicted felon

Obama has not released his Rezko law records

Coincidences and the Las Vegas Rezko arrest warrant

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Sky Minor said...

No way it was a about Resko although that would lend itself well to O ama's now b ored blogger legion who has little to do since his victory.

Sky Minor said...

Missing several keystrokes on that blog post. Blogging from a blackberry is different!Sky Minor.