Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama pulls more gloves out of his hat--and invokes change

When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange,
Who you are and what you're gonna be.

The Brady Bunch, "Time To Change," circa 1973.

Barack Obama and I were born in 1961, so it's a pretty safe bet that Obama watched The Brady Bunch perform their magnum opus, "Time To Change" when it was first broadcast in the early 1970s. I laughed at the cheesy performance, but "Time To Change" very well could have been the triggering point for Obama's career.

How many times can he claim the "change" mantle? Just how many times can Barack Obama reinvent himself?

ABC News' Jake Tapper has more:

Like any number of Democratic candidates before him -- Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry -- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is once again declaring that he is going to take off the gloves and fight back against attacks from the Republican party.

This is what you're going to hear from his campaign today, anyway, which is unveiling two new TV ads, including this attack ad against Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

But just so you know -- this is by my count the 4th time Obama's campaign has officially or unofficially made such a declaration that Obama will "take off the gloves" and fight back.

Tapper goes on to explain that the Obama campaign for the second time says its entering the home stretch of its presidential run. Did you know that John McCain has voted with President Bush 90 percent of the time? Tapper quips its a claim Obama has "made seven thousand times before."

Many of those votes, incidentally, were routine budget measures.

In a statement, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe once again brought up one of the Democrats' favorite bogeyman, Karl Rove.

Let's not forget that David "Hatchet Man" Axelrod, a top Obama campaign staffer, managed one of the dirtiest campaigns in Illinois history--Paul Simon's 1984 Senate run.

Related post:

The University of Chicago: A gold mine for the Obamas and their pals--and David Axelrod

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