Monday, September 29, 2008

David Freddoso talks to Right Wing News

John Hawkins of Right Wing News got the opportunity to interview David Freddoso, author of a book that I highly recommend, The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate.

Freddoso criticizes, and rightly so, President Bush's now infamous comments regarding how he looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes and saw his soul--and a friend. But then he moves on to Barack Obama's friends.

If you look at his political history, Barack Obama looks in every shady character's eyes and basically says, "I can trust this guy or there's nothing wrong here." There's nothing wrong with attending a church for the better part of 20 years that subscribes to this garbage theology of James Cone with a pastor who's constantly throwing bombs. Don't tell me Barack Obama didn't know about Jeremiah Wright. The very first sermon he heard him give, Wright blamed white people for world starvation.

Tony Rezko, a guy who spent his entire career ripping off taxpayers, both legally and illegally -- Obama saw nothing wrong in that relationship. Every time one of these problematic relationships comes to an end or is exposed, he says this isn't the Reverend Wright I've known for 20 years. This isn't the Tony Rezko I've known for 15 years.

At some point, is he going to go into a room with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, and a few years later are we going to hear, "This is not the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I negotiated with, who seemed like such a nice guy, but is now developing nuclear weapons and bombing Israel?"

Good stuff. The entire interview is here.

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