I'm watching Joe Biden giving a speech, billed as a major foreign policy address, about the War on Terror (my words).
The speech isn't even over yet, but Biden is telling an audience in Cincinnati that the "real fight" against al-Qaeda is not in Iraq, "It is in the mountains between the Afghanistan and Pakistan, where my helicopter was recently forced down."
As truth tellers have found out, Biden's chopper was indeed forced down. Not by gunfire...but by a snowstorm.
...to be continued...because there will be more gaffes.
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Commander McBragg, Part Deux
Want to talk about a gaffe (from the top of the ticket). How about this: On Sunday, in an interview with CNBC and The New York Times, Mr. McCain responded to a question about Mr. Davis's role in the advocacy group through 2005 by saying that his campaign manager "has had nothing to do with it since, and I'll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it." Then today, this news: “One of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis paid $15,000 a month from the end of 2005 through last month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain’s campaign manager, according to two people with direct knowledge of the arrangement.”
I’ve noticed that you frequently like to make note of Obama’s ties to Jim Johnson, who has not been involved with the campaign for months, but don’t have much to say about Rick Davis’s connections to Fannie/Freddie, which were not severed until one month ago (assuming that’s even true). With McCain/Palin, the truth seems to be very fluid.
Now it appears Mr. Davis is being kept away from the press. Guess that's par for the course, since the VP selections also seems unable to speak directly to actual reporters.
The New York Times?
Who in the world is gullible enough to believe those Obama shills?
Oh... anonymous is.
Obama said something along the lines that picking his running mate would be the single most imporatant decision he would make as a candidate. Well, he blew it by picking Biden.
Besides that, Obama chose Jim Johnson to serve on his three person committee, along with Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Eric "Pardongate" Holder, to pick his #2.
It's rather bizarre that you'd call a paper which has attacked Obama and smeared him with some of the same weak storylines McCain is now using, let alone a network which employs an anchor that both attacked Obama in an interview about tax policy and also fell head over heels for Sarah Palin's plan to save the world by drilling in ANWR, any sort of "shills" for anything having to do with Obama.
But perhaps you only dislike them because the McCain campaign and John Ruberry told you to.
Lemmings follow whomever is in front too.
Actually, that came from the Wall Street Journal, which linked to the New York Times. Going to slam the WSJ too? It's quite funny to see Republicans latch on to whatever spews out of Fox News,a true partisan shill, and then slam legitimate news organizations when they come out with a story unfavorable to their candidates.
And what are you suggesting, that the NYT and CNBC just made up that quote from McCain? Are you that delusional?
Anon 9:37, Dramamine apparently has some bizarre side effects, but Mr. Ruberry's constant spinning requires a heavy dose of the stuff
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