In a teleconference a few months ago, in response to a question of mine, John McCain responded, "I'm the candidate for lower taxes."
'Nuff said. Oh, but take a look at the ad anyway. And Barack Obama is not the candidate for lower taxes.
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Come on John. Pony up the licensing fee for the music ("Taxman"). You know the ad needs it.
What is John McCain's plan for covering the cost of the war in Iraq? So far, his mentor Pres. Bush has simply racked up debt to China and Saudi Arabia. Is this Sen. McCain's plan also?
The war in Iraq is winding down--we've won.
"Taxman?" Could be part of Northern Songs, which last time I checked was owned by Michael Jackson...
John 'Wag the Dog' Ruberry writes, "The war in Iraq is winding down--we've won."
Just in time for McCain to agree with Sen. Obama's 16-month plan based on conditions on the ground!
And PS: Even when our last GI is back home, we'll still have literally a mountain of IOUs to pay off to our international competition.
So, again, what John McCain's plan for covering the cost of the war in Iraq?
This is endemic of the problem with John McCain. He's looking at Obama's ability to tax like there's no tomorrow and saying that he's the candidate for lower taxes. Yeah, lower than Obama's.
I don't want a candidate that will just try to get under the cap of a liberal's tax plan. I want someone that will actually cut the size of government in order to reduce the tax burden.
That ain't McCain.
Stew, The first big gubm'nt program that can be cut is the $10 billion a month we're borrowing to run a foreign country (Iraq).
Bush has overseen the largest increases in Federal government in years and you're right, McCain wants to continue with those policies. Despite his hot air to the contrary, his voting record tells the tale.
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