If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the Republican Party.
Once again, it's the Democrats, not the Republicans, who keep injecting race into the presidential contest.
This evening former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina--yes she's a woman and John McCain's Victory '08 Chair, issued this statement :
It is disappointing to see Howard Dean trying to use gender and race to divide voters. His comments are insulting, inappropriate and have no place in this election.
Republican National Committee Chairman Robert M. "Mike" Duncan had this to say:
Howard Dean's comments on race and gender today are disappointing and wrong. His efforts to divide Americans are an insult to all our nation's citizens and have absolutely no place in the national dialogue.
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Hmmm... you're white. Fiorina's white. Duncan's white.
And please list the non-white Republican members of the House and Senate while we're on the topic.
What's wrong with calling a spade a spade and poking a little fun while you're at it? ;) Isn't that always the excuse of your fellow conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly?
Mr. Ruberry concludes, "Howard Dean's comments on race and gender today are disappointing and wrong. His efforts to divide Americans are an insult to all our nation's citizens and have absolutely no place in the national dialogue."
I do agree (and I think Dr. Dean's better than that).
But, I'll remind you of your statement within the next few weeks after folks in the Rove-incited conservative partisanry make some disappointing and wrong effort to insult and divide our nation's citizens.
Carly's a woman...put that in context with Howard "Scream" Dean's comments. Michael Steele--black--Condeleeza Rice--black--same with Ward Connerly and Jesse Lee Patterson.
We'll leave race out of it. Unlike your side.
Nice try John. You can ignore reality all you want but it doesn't make it any less real.
"Your side" has been pushing race into the presidential campaign for months, ever since it became clear Obama would be the nominee. Dems are supposed to just sit back and take it? That's hooey John and you know it...
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