Monday, July 21, 2008

John McCain: The real agent of change

John McCain, unlike Barack Obama, has a record of getting things done. If Obama was able to bring a teleprompter wherever he went, perhaps he'd have a list of achievements too.

David Lee, a longtime New Hampshire Democratic Party activist, spoke up for McCain in yesterday's Portsmouth Herald. Lee recently agreed to serve as a co-chair of New Hampshire Independents for John McCain.

As John McCain has said many times, he did not go to Washington to win the prize for congeniality. By putting principle over politics, McCain has rightfully been declared a true maverick. The majority of voters here in New Hampshire, and throughout the nation, prefer a leader who is not afraid of taking positions because they are the "right thing to do" for this country, rather than caving in to special interests or their respective political party's line.

His record as an independent reformer makes our job of rallying New Hampshire independents to John McCain's candidacy a straightforward endeavor. Simply put, John McCain can point to a strong record of bipartisan achievement -- one that appeals to Democrats, independents and Republicans.


John McCain's record and life story make him a natural fit for New Hampshire's independent voters. Based on his unimpeachable character, independents know they can trust McCain to do what is right for our country -- in good times and in bad. Bringing forth a new day in our national political life, McCain will bring "straight talk" to the White House and will set to work on America's challenges with tested leadership only he can provide.

Our country has a real choice in this election. While Barack Obama talks of change, always in a very eloquent manner, John McCain has shown he knows how to deliver change. New Hampshire voters, who have all but trademarked the word "independent," can easily differentiate between the two. As McCain's campaign has said: don't just hope for a better life, vote for one. I encourage my fellow independents to give their strong consideration to John McCain.

Speaking of Obama, name one...that's right, name just one major issue where the so-called "agent of change" crossed the aisles and voted with the Republicans before he became the presumptive Democratic Party nominee. That means his FISA flip flop doesn't count. Let me know what you find.

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