To the same old place, sweet home Chicago
Robert Johnson, "Sweet Home Chicago,"
Much of the Democratic National Committee is now singing the blues standard "Sweet Home Chicago," as Ben Smith writes in Politico:
Barack Obama’s move to merge key elements of the Democratic National Committee into his own campaign's Chicago headquarters appears aimed at the goal of a centralized and united Democratic Party.
Sixteen months ago I wrote that the decision by the Barack Obama campaign to place its headquaters was a mistake. I was ahead of the wave then, on January 16, 2007, few people outside of Illinois had heard of since-convicted felon Antoin "Tony" Rezko, and it was a year before any of Obama's rivals got the nerve to bring up the Cult of Change's ties to the sleazy political insider. It was Hillary Clinton--and by then only she and Obama were left in the race for the Democratic nomination.
Here's what I wrote last January:
I've spent about half my life living in Chicago, the other half living a few miles outside of it. And when I'm away from home--and I tell people where I'm from--they often counter with, "Chicago, isn't that where all those dead people vote?"
The DNC's partial move will allow Republican operatives and bloggers to sneak in phrases such as "Obama's Chicago headquarters" or "In a private meeting behind closed doors in Chicago" and the like.
Then there is Rezko. He's not doing much now, other than sitting quietly in his Metropolitan Correctional Center cell in, you guessed it, Chicago, as he awaits his September sentencing hearing that will take place in....Chicago.
Meanwhile, Chicago Democrat Michael Madigan, Speaker of the Illinois House, just a few days ago released a fourteen page memorandum on the possible impeachment of Governor Rod Blagojevich, a Chicago Democrat. Much of Madigan's case against "Blago" revolves around his dealings with Rezko. Of course it is possible that Blagojevich could be indicted before the November election--that will put impeachment on the fast track.
If and when there is a Blagojevich indictment, it will of course be announced in a certain city to quote the Superfans, that begins with a 'C' and ends in an 'O' and has a "hicag" in the middle.
Welcome home, DNC!
Thanks for the link:
Related post:
Obama campaign's first mistake: Headquarters in Chicago
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