Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tony Rezko's date with destiny?

This could be the week where Antoin "Tony" Rezko gets the good news--or the bad--regarding the federal corruption charges against him. An acqittal for the Wilmette businessman would of course be a huge relief for him, but Rezko still faces another trial--regarding the allegedly fraudulent sale of his pizza restaurants--as well as severe financial problems.

I got to listen to a lot of talk radio during my vacation in Mississippi and its environs. Critics of Barack Obama are quick to bring up his controversial pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and the senator's unrepentant ex-terrorist pal, William Ayers. If Rezko is found guilty, that will revive the story of Obama's 17-year relationship with the slumlord and Democratic political insider.

An acquittal keeps Rezko in the background in regards to Obama.

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Anonymous said...

Do not be surprised if he is aquitted, though it would be nice to see justice done.

Corruption reaches everywhere, but as you stated, the fight goes on , Rezko facing even more legal woes, more personal pressures, same with Obama.

Drip drip drip

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.