Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obama headed to Iowa for pseudo-victory speech on Tuesday

There are two more Democratic primary elections on Tuesday, Kentucky and Oregon. Hillary Rodham Clinton is expected to easily win the first one, Barack Obama will likely take the second one.

Barack Obama will spend election night in a seemingly unusual spot: Iowa. It was the Iowa Caucuses which propelled the junior senator from my state, with some bumps along the way, leaped past Hillary Clinton to become the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

It's an ironic choice, however. As Sean Hannity has said several times on his radio show, had Iowans known then what we know now--such as the incendiary speeches of Obama's longtime pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Bill Ayers connection, not to mention the Tony Rezko story (ABC News, as it did with Ayers, brought that story out of the shadows after the Iowa victory), Hillary Clinton, or perhaps John Edwards, would have won the Hawkeye State.

And Obama would be back commuting between Washington and Chicago, making plans to run for re-election, or perhaps for governor.

Instead, he'll be in Iowa, where he may declare victory and proclaim himself the Democratic nominee. Even though he still will not have a majority of the delegates needed.

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Anonymous said...

Let's talk about something like hunger in America, or the condition of health care in America, or how to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let us compare the two candidates' positions in an informed and thoughtful manner. Enough of this endless poison and irresponsible back and forth nattering about preachers, campaign donations and 100 years. Just STOP - or take America down the drain with your pettiness.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

Anonymous said...

哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音交友網柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室柔情網友聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室拉子性愛聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室520情色聊天室aa片免費看微風論壇080哈啦聊天室6k聊天室成人聊天室上班族捷克論壇大眾論壇plus論壇080視訊聊天室520視訊聊天室尋夢園上班族聊天室成人聊天室上班族 a片a片影片免費情色影片免費a片觀看小弟第貼影片區免費av影片免費h影片試看 H漫 - 卡通美女短片小魔女貼影片免費影片觀賞無碼a片網美女pc交友相簿美女交友-哈啦聊天室中文a片線上試看免費電影下載區免費試看a短片免費卡通aa片觀看女優影片無碼直播免費性感a片試看日本AV女優影音娛樂網日本av女優無碼dvd辣妹視訊 - 免費聊天室美女交友視訊聊天室080免費視訊聊天室尋夢園聊天室080苗栗人聊天室a片下載日本免費視訊美女免費視訊聊天中文搜性網後宮電影院 - 免費a片a片下載情色A片下載gogo2sex免費成人影片xvediox 免費a片影片 go2av免費影片伊莉討論區 sex520免費影片gogobox下載論壇ggyy8在線漫畫GO2AV免費影城