Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Obama crosses the Rhine

Back in the '80s I worked with an older German man who was a teenager when World War II ended. One day I got up the nerve to ask him--two of his brother died in the conflict--"When did you know your side had lost the war?"

He politely responded, "When the Americans crossed the Rhine."

Of course there was plenty of fighting and dying in the two months before General Alfred Jodl signed the unconditional surrender papers, ironically on May 7, at General Dwight Eisenhower's headquarters, but the end of the war was clearly in sight--even to German teenagers--once the Remagen Bridge had been crossed.

Yesterday, after Obama's big win in North Carolina and near-miss in Indiana, it's clear the troops of the Cult of Change have crossed the Rhine. There still might be some of squabbling left: a few more primaries, a battle over the Florida and Michigan delegations, and a tug of war over uncommitted superdelagates, but barring a major disaster within the Obama camp--It's safe to proclaim that John McCain will be squaring off against Barack Obama in November.

Okay, I'm a McCain supporter, but I'm very confident of the Arizonan's chances not only to win, but win by a lot.

And Hillary Clinton will have her eyes on 2012.

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