Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rev. Wright to speak at NAACP event in Detroit

Barack Obama has seven more months of stories like these coming out.

From the Detroit Free Press:

Controversial minister Jeremiah Wright will speak at the Detroit branch of the NAACP 53rd Annual Fight for Freedom Fund dinner.

Wright, the former minister of presidential candidate Barack Obama, has been under fire for remarks he’s made during his sermons about race relations, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and black separatism. He recently retired as pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, a 10,000-member megachurch located in Chicago.

The Fight for Freedom dinner, which annually attracts about 10,000 people, will be held April 27 at Cobo Hall. The gathering is a key fund-raiser for the Detroit Branch NAACP, and is billed as the largest sit-down dinner in the country.

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1 comment:

rajsmbs said...

When heard this news I was once again disappointed in the leadership in the City of Detroit. Why now? In the midst of all the political drama that is shadowing our city. I can see it now, every news station from across the country swooping down like vultures to report any bit of negativity they can find. Our city has always been the butt of jokes across the country, from the Devils night fires in the 80's to the present day Mayor Kilpatrick debacle. What is the purpose of inviting such a controversial pastor who has been and still is the topic of the most negative racially charged remarks in years. Don't get me wrong, I believe in freedom of speech and I understand what he said and I understand the context in which he said it. However,for all good intents in purposes Why Now? I am feeling a back door ambush of Barack Obama. Let me explain what I mean by the analogy. First, when our primary was moved up I felt as if it was done to confuse the voters and in turn it did. People were asking, Will my vote count?. At the same time voters were being told by local news stations that if your candidate is Obama, vote uncommited. Then the question became, What does uncommitted mean? In a nut shell it was mass confusion, which resulted in low voter turn out, because people felt that thier vote would not count. And in the end, Sen.Clinton prevailed because she was the most popular name on the ballot. Go figure! Back to my first point of Why now? Why invite Rev.Wright to speak when our political credibility in Detroit is in question? To me it is just another notch in Sen. Clinton and Sen.McCain's belt, to ensure thier place on the November ballot. Give me your thoughts on this.