Sunday, April 06, 2008

Air America host Schultz slurs McCain

Randi Rhodes, after calling Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton "whores" in a speech, got suspended by her bankrupt radio network, Air America.

Another Air America host has plenty of bile on his tongue as well.

Obama was introduced by North Dakota's three-man Congressional delegation, whom he greeted as friends, Sens. Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan and, as Obama called him, "Ed Pomeroy." Rep. Earl Pomeroy gave Conrad a sheepish grin at the joke.

Radio talk show star Ed Schultz warmed up the crowd, attacking Sen. John McCain as "a warmonger," before Obama arrived in the room.

Obama thanked Schultz, saying he was the "voice of progressive radio," and someone "who knows a little bit about sports."

John McCain is not a warmonger.

Do you remember when a conservative radio host slurred Obama in Ohio a couple of months back while he warmed up the crowd for a McCain appearance. The senator wasn't in the hall at the time either, but McCain immediately denounced what was said.

Obama did no such thing, although his campaign, but not Obama, issued a statement:

From a Fox embed:
After numerous inquiries from Obama's traveling press, the Obama campaign eventually responded with a comment. "John McCain is not a warmonger and should not be described as such. He's a supporter of a war that Senator Obama believes should have never been authorized and never been waged,: traveling press secretary Jen Psaki said in a written statement.

The campaign also pointed out that Obama did not hear the comment and stressed that Schultz is not an Obama surrogate.

The topic of on Shultz' show tomorrow? Is Sen. John McCain a warmonger?

H/T to the Say Anything blog

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pathickey said...

That loud mouth is almost as bad as Olbermann's twin on MSNBC - Rachel Maddow.

The clown never gives his ears a chance.

Anonymous said...

If anyone listened to Air America, at all, I might be more interested ;)

libhom said...

There is no way that any reasonable person can honestly dispute the fact that "Keating Five" McCain is a warmonger.

The corporate media are so pro-war that they will demonize anyone who calls a warmonger a warmonger.

Anonymous said...

The media "pro-war"?


Someone's using Saran wrap instead of the properly mandated tin-foil for their brain cover, that's for sure.