Congratulations are in order for North Dakota's Rob Port of the Say Anything Blog, whose wife Jess had a baby on February 28. The parents christened their daughter Layla Sophia.
Still in the Midwest, Chicago blogger Pat Hickey reports on Chicago police officer Mike Mette, who is serving a prison sentence in Iowa.
From Hickey's blog, ....With Both Hands:
Last year, Judge Monica Ackley sentenced Chicago Police Officer Michael Mette to five years in prison for the crime of defending himself from a drunken lout with Dubuque political clout after repeated attempts by Officer Mette to disengage from confrontation.
The Chicago Tribune's John Kass is the only Chicago Newspaper Professional to take up his cause. Other so-called journalists, who helped make Chicago a Thug Comfort Zone by shilling for radical Leftist lawyers and active Gang-bangers, ignored a true story of injustice.
When I got the news of William F. Buckley's death, I immediately did a post, but I wish I'd waited a bit and put together a more fitting and substantial tribute to this great man. Luckily, ThirdWaveDave did just that.
Pam at Atlas Shrugs posted about Rabbi Michael Feinberg and wrote some things he didn't like. David K. DeLonge, a New Jersey lawyer, wants Pam to remove what Feinberg views as offensive from her blog, and post a retraction. She's not backing down.
Why not use the comments section of Atlas Shrugs instead, Rabbi?
While we're on the subject of Jewish people, the McCain Jewish Coalition of Illinois has the first five of its top ten reasons to be leary of Barack Obama.
People haven't changed, but technologies have change, greatly, political discourse, as Sissy Willis at Sisu explains.
More Odds and Sods next Sunday.
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Given that we're a secular family we didn't "christen" her so much as name her, but thanks for the congrats anyway!
And I knew that about you too...
Meh, not a big deal.
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