Monday, February 04, 2008

McCain's turnaround

Amazingly, I have so far not gotten any hate e-mails or angry blog messages over my John McCain endorsement that I posted earlier today.

Another reason he appeals to voters is of course his turnaround from almost certain defeat.

The Chicago Tribune analyzes his return from the dead. Free registration may be required for the link.

He put himself before the voters, holding town hall meeting after town hall meeting, sometimes before very small groups of voters. Not infrequently, the questions were hostile. A humble McCain would present his position – usually on immigration, often on the war – and then ask the questioner if they wanted to follow up. When he finished talking, he would ask, "Did I answer your question?"

"What it required was complete focus by him and effective campaigning every day, because he was the only asset we had," said Charles Black Jr., who has emerged as McCain's chief strategist.

Could you see Hillary Clinton fielding hostile queries? Or "rock star" Barack Obama?

Pajamas Media's Michael Weiss also explores the McCain appeal, pointing out that "McCain’s ascendancy owes to his Obama-like appeal: his whole is greater than the sum of his parts."

McCain, even his detractors have to admit, has a record to run on. Obama has gotten one bill enacted into law in his brief Senate career. There are differences, vast ones, between the two men.

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