Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday night's odds and sods

After a two week absence, my Sunday Night Odds and Sods feature is back, as I travel the blogosphere from my vantage point in the center of civilization, Morton Grove, Illinois.

I'm not the only blogger poking away at the Barack Obama persona in places the mainstream media fears to tread. On Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network web site, Bill of Israpundit noticed a couple of pictures of Obama and Sharpton, arm in arm.

From Israpundit:

We have called the Obama campaign to register our displeasure, to say the least, with Mr. Obama's ongoing promotion and enablement of an individual who has played a major role in perpetrating at least three major racist and/or anti-Semitic incidents: the Tawana Brawley scandal of 1988, the Crown Heights riot of 1991, and the Freddy's Fashion Mart incident of 1995. The latter two incidents led to fatalities when irresponsible individuals acted on the vicious anti-Semitic and racist hate speech that was spewed by Mr. Sharpton and his associates. As documented by Fred Siegel's "Democrats Embrace 'Impresario of Hatred.'"

The process of choosing a president is insane. To make sense of it, we need a mental health professional, someone like Shrinkwrapped.

Yes there is a vast right wing conspiracy in Illinois, and they met in Springfield last week, as Stix Blog reports. It was a conservative bloggers conference, but because of my trip to Mexico and my work schedule, I was unable squeeze the meeting in. I hope to make the next one.

No joke. It it our goal to take back Illinois. For more on our long march to victory, visit the Illinois GOP Network.

Rob over at Say Anything takes the New York Times to his North Dakota woodshed about an article that seems to say our military creates criminals.

One of the greatest distance runners this country ever produced was Jim Ryun. After hanging up his competitive running spikes, Ryun moved on to Congress, representing a district in eastern Kansas. But Ryun, a Republican, got caught up in the blue tide of 2006, and was defeated by Democrat Nancy Borda.

The Kansas Progress reports that Boyda, who wants to renogiate NAFTA, received praise from a well-known publication, the People's Weekly World, which boasts of its "special relationship with the Communist Party USA."

Ryun is working on a political comeback, and hopes to run Boyda out of Washington.

Finally, back to Barack Obama. Maxine also takes a the Trinity United Church of Christ; she did some exploring and discovered a shameful video tribute to that racist demagogue, Minister Louis Farrakhan, produced by the church Obama has been a member of for almost twenty years.

More Odds and Sods next Sunday night.

UPDATE January 17: Oh, did the New York Times every get it wrong. Say Anything has more.

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