Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Brownback on Obama's popularity with other Dem senators

Sam Brownback was in the presidential race for about eight months before bowing to the inevitible last summer--he was not going to win the Republican nomination for president. Last week he met with the editorial board of the Kansas City Star, and had this to say:

Sen. Sam Brownback, a Kansas Republican, last week shed light on why Obama has done well with Senate endorsements of late, including one from Claire McCaskill of Missouri.

Obama, Brownback told The Star’s Editorial Board, is a talented guy who’s "easier to work with."

Hillary Clinton has been in the fight so long that "there’s a hardness" there, Brownback said. Given her national stature, Clinton’s tougher to get in touch with. Obama, he added, "wouldn’t unite Republicans as much" as Clinton.


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