Saturday, December 01, 2007

Red State and Human Events propose "do-over" GOP debate

Then it's back where you started,
Here we go round again.
Back where you started,
Come on do it again.

The Kinks, "Do It Again."1984

Erick Erickson of Red State and Jed Babbin of Human Events are proposing a "do over" debate to smother the stench from CNN's farce earlier this week.

As they write in their open letter to the Republican presidential candidates:

Today, allow us to make you this offer: We will organize a debate at a time and date amenable to you all. We will work with a national broadcaster to broadcast the debate as well as offer it online. We, not the liberal drive by media, will ensure the questioners are who they say they are. And we will choose them based on criteria that will be fully disclosed to you all which ensure the questioners aren't activists for any Democratic candidate.

On a lighter note, fellow Chicago area blogger Mr. Right is back in a big way with his satirical look at the CNN botanical garden of a debate.

And please, never forget, CNN is "The most trusted name in news."

Finally, via techPresident, comes word from YouTube News and Politics Editor, Steve Grove, who in a YouTube (of course) video, is giving viewers the chance to respond to what occurred Wednesday night.

Grove apparently has heard the foot-stomping:

Well there has been a lot of commentary there about which questions CNN chose for the debate and the format that we used, and as we move forward with developing debates and other opportunities like this for you to connect directly with those running for office your feedback is really important to us. So post a video response or a comment to this video and let us know what you think.

Jump in and let CNN--and the world--hear you.

Related posts:

CNN burned by poisonous debate plant--again

Dem debate: Questions sprouted from CNN plants

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