Thursday, December 13, 2007

Obama's pal Tony Rezko back in the news

Yesterday a top adviser to the Hillary Clinton campaign, Bill Shaheen, brought up Barack Obama's past drug use, something the Illinois senator wrote about in his book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, and made the observation that if he becomes the Democratic nominee, the Republicans will use that against Obama in the general election.

The Clinton camp quickly disassociated themselves from Shaheen's comments, and the governor later apologized for his remarks.

However, here's something the Clintonista's should be focusing on: Antonin
"Tony" Rezko.

The indicted Democratic political insider was back in the news today, through a former associate, Al Chaib. He's a former Rezko business partner, and Chaib owns several fast-food outlets located in state-owned tollway rest areas, despite the fact he owes over $300,000 in state taxes.

Shocking? Not in Illinois.

For the uninitiated, Tony Rezko and his friends raised buckets and buckets of cash for Governor Rod Blagojevich, and became a trusted adviser to the Chicago Democrat. Rezko is accused of shaking down businesses for political contributions so these firms could receive state contracts. He was indicted in 2006, and his federal trial is scheduled to begin in February with Judge Amy St. Eve--who this week sentenced Conrad Black to 78 months in prison--presiding in Chicago. The office of US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald will handle the prosecution.

It was commonly known that Rezko was being investigated by the feds as early as 2004, but the didn't stop Obama to use the Rezko family a year later to assist him in purchasing the house above in 2005.

The Obamas purchased the house, but Rezko's wife Rita bough a portion of the lot on the same day from the same owner. Clearly, it appears the Obamas couldn't quite afford the house and the property--so Obama called Tony Rezko to make it happen. A few months later, the Obamas purchased 1/6 of the Rezko lot. Until the Chicago Tribune broke the story late last year, one can make the assumption the Obamas were going to slowly purchase portions of that lot until they owned it all. In short, Rezko-Obama deal was a loan.

When confronted with the revaletion on these real estate transactions, Obama called it a "boneheaded move." It was.

Rezko was one of Obama's earliest supporters, he sought out Obama while he was still a Harvard law student.

Cleary, Obama's lack of judgement on the Rezko real estate deal should be an issue.

Sound judgement is what we need from our chief executives. Does Obama have it?

And unless the trial is delayed, in a couple of months, the Rezko trial will remind voters, daily, that the "rock star" has played a few sour notes.

Related posts:

"Rezko lot" next to Obama's home for sale
Obama vows to clean up Washington as president
"Consigliere" Rezko still shadowing Obama
Obama gives up donation from man with Rezko ties
Obama donates more Rezko tainted donations to charity
Obama's letters for Rezko show favors
Rezko cash three times what Obama claims
Chicago Tribune catches up to Marathon Pundit

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