Monday, December 03, 2007

Mitt Romney taking the Mormon trail on Thursday

In what is undoubtedly going to be a major speech by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Rommey, the former Massachusetts governor will give a speech that will address his Mormon faith.

I'm pretty familiar with the Mormonism, and unlike most people, my first exposure to the Church of Latter Day Saints came in fourth grade at a suburban Chicago public elementary school. Illinois History was a required topic, and the driving of the Mormons from the Mississippi River town of Nauvoo--then more populous than Chicago--was worth a few hours in those lessons.

We learned about the lynching of the faith's prophet, Joseph Smith, although the nasty stuff, Smith was being jailed--the vigilantes broke into his cell--for a good reason. He likely directed a few of his followers to burn down the printing facilities of an anti-Mormon Illinois newspaper after that publication's first--and last--issue was released to the public.

But this was 160 years ago.

And Mormons don't recognize the Nicene Creed, which was issued in the latter days of the Roman Empire.

Obviously Romney's pollsters are picking up strong sentiment that his faith is an issue among voters, likely the religious-right voters who are trending towards Mike Huckabee.

Interestingly, a few years before I was learning about Nauvoo, Romney's father George was running for the Republican nomination. He told reporters after a 1968 visit to Vietnam that our military "brainwashed" him. Americans want strong leaders as president--somehow Jimmy Carter sneaked in--and strong men (and women) don't get brainwashed. That was the end of Romney's campaign. From what I can gather, the elder Romney's faith didn't figure into voter's perceptions forty years ago--but then again, his campaign never went anywhere.

As for Mitt Romney's faith. It shouldn't be an issue. Would you balk at being treated by a Mormon doctor? What if our forces in Iraq was led by a Mormon general?

UPDATE December 4: On a lighter note, this Comedy Central blog has a fun caption contest with Governor Romney and a couple of nuns...which sounds like a joke...wait, of course it's a joke, it's a caption contest!

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