Says Cashill:
A few years back, Thomas Frank wrote a bestseller called What's the Matter with Kansas?, a soft-core Marxist hit on red state America. I felt both slimed and honoured -- and more than a little surprised -- to be profiled in the book, especially given that I was born and raised in New Jersey and live and work in Missouri.
The Frank book inspired a whole swarm of smarmy know-it-all writers and filmmakers from either coast to interview me and my Kansas buddies.
I decided to return the favor and turn a provincial eye on the progressive guy. I chose his natural habitat -- that coal miner’s canary of progressive Americana, California, which is much more fun to visit than Kansas. For the record, I have a Ph.D. in American studies.
And for the record, I had a good time in Kansas in July, scroll down a couple of posts to see what I mean.
Related posts:
In search of the real El Dorado, Kansas
Marathon Pundit Exclusive: "What's the Matter With Kansas?" Debunked on Page One: UPDATED AGAIN
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