Giving what his staffers were billing as a major speech, Sen. Barack Obama spoke this morning at the DePaul University Student Activities Center on the school's Lincoln Park campus. He told the audience, and the world, including I guess Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that he wants to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
I'm sure if we ditch all of our nukes, the bad guys won't want to acquire them because we'd be so nice.
Astute Marathon Pundit readers (aren't they all?) will recognize the site of Obama's speech. The DePaul SAC is the same place where Ward Churchill emitted his insane thoughts two Octobers ago.
The Opinion Journal hits Obama with a stinging string of logic:
"Senator Barack Obama will propose on Tuesday setting a goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons in the world, saying the United States should greatly reduce its stockpiles to lower the threat of nuclear terrorism," the New York Times reports.
This is the latest evidence that this guy just isn't serious. How would cutting back American nukes reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism? Doesn't the Non-Proliferation Treaty already prohibit all but eight or so countries from getting nukes? And isn't the real problem that rogue states that are NPT signatories like North Korea and Iran have or are seeking nukes in violation of their treaty obligations? How does Obama plan on getting Pyongyang and Tehran to give up their nukes? Here's how:In his speech, according to a campaign briefing paper, Mr. Obama also will call for using a combination of diplomacy and pressure to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and to eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons programs. Aides did not say what Mr. Obama intended to do if diplomacy and sanctions failed.
"A combination of diplomacy and pressure." It's the audacity of hope! But didn't someone once say hope is not a plan?
Hey, it could've been worse for Obama. He'd didn't propose naming Todd Stroger his Treasury Secretary.
And as long as we're on the subject of crazy DePaul, the Reinstate Professor Thomas Klocek at DePaul petition needs just 21 more signatures to reach its goal of 2000.
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