Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gary police go to scene of fatal accident, leave bodies behind

No one should have to find the body of a loved one this way.

Early Saturday morning there was a fatal one-car accident on the southern end of Gary, Indiana.

Gary police came to the scene of the accident, paramedics took two survivors, to the hospital, towed the wreck away, but left the bodies of the fatalities at the scene of the accident.

Dominique Green and Brandon Smith were the fatal victims. It was the parents of Smith who found the bodies--six hours after the accident.

Arthur Smith told ABC 7 Chicago:

Ten feet from where I think the car stopped is where my son was at. Even, though it happened at 3am, I'm sure they have good flashlights. They didn't find my son. I found my son and his best friend dead in the weeds.

The survivors say they told the police there were two other occupants in the car. The Gary police apparently didn't listen, but were diligent enough to issue a ticket to the driver of the car--while two other victims, possibly still alive, were ten feet away.

Gary's mayor promises a full investigation of the incident.

The word "inexcusable" comes to mind.

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