Saturday, December 09, 2006

Rockford terror suspect's mother speaks out

The Daily Herald newspaper tracked down the mother of the suspect in the Rockford shopping mall bombing plot, Derrick Shareef, also known as Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef.

Marie Dunn lives in rural Genoa, Illinois, and she told the paper that she was uncomfortable with the tradtional Muslim clothing he recently started wearing.

More from the Daily Herald:

Dunn learned of Shareef's arrest from reporters after coming home from work Friday. She last spoke with him Saturday and last saw him two weeks ago when he returned from visiting his father in Arizona.

Before moving to Rockford two months ago, Shareef lived "on and off" at the Genoa duplex Dunn shares with her husband and two other children. His mother had not yet visited his new apartment.

And some more...
Shareef converted to Islam seven years ago, a move that did not surprise his mother. Shareef's father was a member of Nation of Islam, led by minister Louis Farrakhan, and several paternal relatives practiced the faith.

"He comes from a Muslim background," she said.

Ms. Dunn told the Daily Herald that she is a Christian.

Curiously, the FBI affadivit on Shareef portrays him as a someone with a pathological hatred of DeKalb County law enforcement. However, again according to the Herald, Shareef's run-ins with area authorities involve only minor traffic violations.

Shareef is one messed up character.

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