Friday, December 08, 2006

Excerpts from the federal affidavit on the Rockford terror suspect

Huge, huge hat tip to Cal Skinner of the McHenry County Blog, who spent a lot of time retyping the FBI affidavit in the case of the United States vs. Derrick Shareef, aka Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef.

No one is able to get a verifiable home address for Mr. Shareef, this Rockford Register-Star report places him in Genoa, Illinois, a rural community located about 70 miles west of Chicago, twenty miles southeast of Rockford.

From Cal's blog:

Wannabe terrorist Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef, a black 22-year old Rockford male, discussed

· stabbing Jews at the synagogue down the street from his mosque,

· attacking the DeKalb County Courthouse & smoking a judge and

· detonating hand grenades in Rockford's CherryVale Mall.

All in the name of Allah, was recorded by the man he thought was his co-conspirator.

A statement from FBI Agent Jared Ruddy, with the Counter Joint Terrorism Task Force, was presented in court used against Derrick Shareef, the name used in the paperwork

I thought you might find it of interest to get a bit inside the mind of this homegrown terrorist.

Ruddy says in his affidavit that during September Shareef got to know an unnamed individual known as a "Cooperating Source" (CS) and told him he "wanted to commit acts of violent jihad against targets in the United States as well as commit other crimes in order to obtain funds to further Shareef's goals of violent jihad."

Asked what Shareef wanted to do, he replied,

I'm talking about stuff that's like...'cause man the courthouse in DeKalb where I be going every month them n*ggers do weak as hell. You go in there and you clock the first three n*ggers at the door that they got, and you up in there, you know what I'm saying? And everything else is gonna have to be tactical. But see when you dealing with stuff like that, the courthouse, there's always a PD [police department] right down the block. Know what I'm saying? I just want to smoke a judge.

All of this was recorded on November 29th.

Asked about a time frame, Shareef replied, "What do you think? I like the holiday season."

Later Shareef said, "You gotta do stuff, hell we ain't gotta hit nobody, just blow the place up. You gotta do stuff under severe weather conditions. That helps, too. Doing stuff in the snow, rain because you see less pigs out that. That's tactical."

"So, you serious?" asked CS.

"I'm serious" was the reply.

The next day, November 30th, discussed CherryVale Mall.

CS asked if Shareef thought it was a better idea to "hit the mall."

"Oh, hell yeah, the mall is where it's at," Shareef replied.

CS then asked if grenades would be needed. Shareef agreed.

"You go in there and toss a grenade, and no one's gonna know who did it," CS said.

"The last thing anybody gonna be thinking about at the mall is a damn grenade.

CS later asked, "What targets you wanna hit, the mall's good?"

Shareef's response: "Any place that's crowded, like a mall is good, anything, any government facility is good."

Later Shareef said, "I swear by Allah man, I'm down for it too, I'm down for the cause, I'm down to live for the cause, man."

On November 15th they cased CherryVale Male.

Shareef is quoted as telling CS, "I think, ah, if we do, do something like this, we gotta do, we gotta do it simultaneously, like you would have to hit one spot and I'll do another."

CS replied, "That's fine."

Shareef: "Just meet back up, so it would create more pandemonium, and nobody will really be looking at, you know, nobody will be looking for anyone suspicious 'cause it'l be 80 million people running."

Later in the mall, CS asked, "But if you ever wanna back out, 'cause you gotta let me know before I make the phone call, "cause I'm checking your heart now...'Cause I have to call my boy, man."

Shareef's response: "I'm down"

CS: "We ain't gonna get caught, don't worry."

Shareef agreed: "I'm not worried about getting caught, not alive."

CS: "If we die, then we die."

Shareef then said, "I'm gonna fast for like three days before."

On December 1st, they visited the mall again. They discussed the number of grenades and the delay time.

After this discussion, they got in the CS' car and discussed "shaving their body hair and mediating to prepare."

Shareef then said, "I'm ready, man, these Kafirs [a term translated as ["infidel"] don't give a damn about us, n*ggers don't care what happens to Umma [an Arabic word meaning community or nation that is commonly used to mean the collective nation of Islamic states], about sisters getting raped, about brothers losing their [unintelligible]. They don't care man. All they care about is (unintelligible)"

"I probably would have eventually ended up just stabbing the shit outta some Jews or something. Just stabbing them n*ggers with a steak knife.

"Dude, I ain't gonna lie. Because during that war with Hezbollah, man, I had already started to look at synagogues, I was doing Mapquest...One of them was down the block from the Masjid [mosque], I knew that they do their thing on Saturdays, right. I was like, I'm gonna lay low out here, I'm gonna camp out overnight, be out there on Friday night after Jumma" [Friday prayer] or Saturday morning about 12 or 1 O'clock, I be there. And as soon as I see them fools going in the building, I had planned on trying to grab one, depending on how it was, niggers trying to run in the building all at once and open up shop, I was going to go over there and shank one or two of them."

A bit later, Shareef said, "They definitely gonna know that this shit ain't over, and they not as safe as they thought."

As they arrived at the mall, CS observed, "This place gonna be tore up in about two weeks."

Shareef replied, "Damn, dude, n*ggers gonna be gloomy as hell out here, I don't know how the nationwide effect gonna be, but..."

CS then asked, "You don't think it's gonna be gloomy nationwide?"

Shareef's response: "I don't As they walked around the mall, being observed by FBI, the CS said, "I'm glad you came up with the idea, though, the garbage can. That's sweet," to which Shareef replied, "That's pandemonium. The garbage going to be shrapnel."

After discussing paying for the grenades at $50 each, Shareef said, "If Allah wills a lot of people around that garbage can, that place is crowed."

Saturday, December 2nd, the two were seen by FBI driving around Rockford in CS's vehicle. They discussed trading stereo speakers for 4 hand grenades and 2 handguns.

Last Saturday, the two videotaped each other making statements, according to Agent Ruddy. In the video Shareef says,

This is my last will and testament, the last words that I have spoken to those who know me, to those who do not know me.

My names is Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef. I am 22 years of age.

I am from America, and this tape is to let you guys know, who disbelieve in Allah, to let the enemies of Islam know, and to let the Muslims alike know that the time for jihad is now...

Be strong, oh Mujahideen. Be strong, on brothers who want to fight for jihad...This is a warning to those who disbelieve, that we are here for you, and I am ready to give my life.

May Allah protect me on this mission we conduct...So do not cry, do not mourn for me.

Do not believe what the kafir [infidel] will say about me when you read in the newspapers and when you see the television articles about me. Do not believe this.

Understand that your son is a strong manĂ‚…who believes and fears his Lord to the degree that he will give his life.

The source of the grenades talked to Shareef on Monday, December 4th, discussing the trade of the stereo speakers for "four of them pineapples, and then I got that 9..."

On Wednesday, December 6th, just before noon, they discussed by phone meeting at a grocery store parking lot on Walton Road, where they made the exchange.

He was then arrested.

Thanks, again, Cal.

For all the use of the "N" word by Shareef, the both DeKalb and Winnebago counties (Rockford) have relatively small African-American populations.

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