Sunday, December 10, 2006

Air America suffocating?

Pajamas Media blogger Marc Cooper lives in Los Angeles, and the Air America affiliate there, just like the one here in the Chicago area, has a weak signal that doesn't cover the entire metro region.

In addition to slipping down the ratings charts, the bankrupt network is still suffering from financial problems.

From Marc's blog:

To almost no notice by the press, or anyone else, the liberal talk radio network Air America may be on the verge of going dark after first declaring a Chapter 11 bankruptcy two months ago.

Today, Friday, was the deadline (already twice-extended) for the failing network to come up with a buyer who will discharge its millions of dollars worth of debt. No word anywhere that I can find on how this panned out. Or didn't.

Meanwhile, there's a new report that AA heavyweight Al Franken might only have a few days more left on the air.

Another sign of the network's implosion is the loss of its affiliate in just about the most liberal city in America (after Berkeley), Madison, Wisconsin.

Air America also lost its outlet in Cincinnati. That city's former Mayor, panderer-in-chief, and former host of an Air America prime time show, Jerry Springer, has also abandoned his spot on the dial.

Well, the AA listeners can always tune in to NPR.

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