Monday, August 14, 2006

Iranian bloggers getting harassed, jailed

CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, can be vocal enough when it wants to be, as the below post exemplifies.

I can assure you that there hasn't been a peep from CAIR regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's mistreatment of bloggers there.

From AP:

He predicts that someday--perhaps soon--he'll be taken to prison and his site will be shut down. "And another voice will be silenced," said Habibi, a 34-year-old postgraduate and an unofficial elder statesman for student-led activist movements. "I fully expect to see the inside of a jail cell."

He's not alone.

Iranian authorities are stepping up arrests and pressure on popular bloggers as part of a wider Internet clampdown launched after hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president last year, ending years of freewheeling Web access that once made Iran among the most vibrant online locales in the Middle East.

The Internet censors are busy. Their targets include sexual content, international politics, local grumbling, chat rooms and anything else that makes the Islamic leadership uneasy. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, a prominent human rights lawyer, estimates at least 50 bloggers have been detained since last year.

Of course CAIR's response, if they chose to give one, might be "Well it's not an American issue." However, that hasn't stopped CAIR from organizing anti-Israel rallies during the recent war between the Jewish state and the terror outfit Hezbollah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...we support Israel and send them money and weapons, but we do the same, at least the money part, with Egypt.

If you need to learn more about Iran, please visit Dr. Zin's Regime Change Iran.

Hat tip to friend-of-the-blog Grant Crowell for the AP story.

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