Thursday, April 20, 2006

Michael Reagan hammers Jimmy Carter

Yesterday Brainster had a post in which he said Jimmy Carter was "surely the worst president in my lifetime."

I commented on his blog that I wholeheartedly agreed with him.

Talk radio host Michael Reagan has an article today in FrontPage Magazine, where he hammers the part-time Habitat for Humanity home builder very hard.

Let’s begin with Iran, a boiling cauldron of hatred for everything associated with Western civilization. Recall that when Jimmah took office Iran was ruled by a strong ally of the United States, the Shah. Like most Middle Eastern potentates, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ruled with an iron hand. Under him, Iran was not the kind of democracy we’re now promoting for the Middle East.

The Shah, however, was also the staunch friend and ally of the United States. He saw to it that the oil kept flowing in our direction, and kept his military in good-enough shape to protect our interests in the area.

But the Shah somehow offended Brother Carter’s exalted view of the inherent goodness of a mankind freed from the strictures imposed by dictatorial rules. With a wink and a nod, he arranged to have Pahlavi replaced by an exiled mullah - the Ayatollah Khomeini - who in Carter’s view would be a moderate leader who would democratize Iran.

What Carter got for us was a Muslim fanatic seething with hatred for everything Western, who without blinking an eye spat on our national sovereignty when he took over the United States embassy in Tehran and held 52 American hostages for 444 days, until the U.S. came to its senses and elected my dad Ronald Reagan to replace the hapless Jimmy Carter.

I'd like to add despite the repressiveness of the Shah's regime, women had far more rights under his regime than to do under the mullahs, and religious minorities were respected. They're not now.

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