Saturday, October 01, 2005

Phelps' Westboro cult protests Yakima, WA funeral: Maryland next?

Here they go again, Fred Phelps' and his Westboro Baptist Church invaded eastern Washington state, to picket another funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq.

Sgt. Larry Morrison was laid to rest yesterday in Yakima. But Phelps' losers showed up to disrupt the proceedings.

From the Yakima Herald Republic:

In a move seemingly calculated to outrage, a small band of religious extremists from Kansas gathered outside Sgt. 1st Class Lawrence Morrison's funeral Friday, shouting at his family and insisting that God is killing soldiers to punish homosexuality.

About a half-dozen members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., waved homemade signs saying "To (sic) Late to Pray," "God Hates You" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers."

They were countered by some 120 members of Operation Thank You, a Tri-Cities organization that attends military funerals to support families. They gathered across the street, waving flags and shouting out the protesters.

Apparently, Phelps' group was a no-show at their threatened protest of a soldier's funeral yesterday in Vermont.

This coming Monday, the loons from Kansas are planning to disrupt the funeral of Sgt. William A. Allers III in Joppa, MD.

One more time, borrowing from Herman Melville's Moby Dick:

From hell's heart I stab at thee...

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