Thursday, September 29, 2005

Most overreported story of September

Eric Zorn does this on his blog once in a while, and I'm probably going to do this as a regular monthly feature here.

So, no big surprise, the most overreported story of September, 2005 is Cindy Sheehan. On the surface, the last sentence is not grammatically correct (verb-subject error), but since Mother Sheehan turned herself into an event sometime ago, she's not just a person anymore.

Pam Meister in Connecticut has come up with a song for Mother Sheehan on her Blogmeister USA site, it's here. And brush up on your Beethoven, it'll help you enjoy the post more.

Tomorrow, the most underreported story of September. It's something I blogged about a couple of times that first became news during the Hurricane Katrina aftermath. But even taking that in account, this story was buried and is continuing to obscured.

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