Monday, May 02, 2016

(Photos) Inside an abandoned Chicago home

I went urban exploring again--this time in other violent neighborhood, West Englewood on the South Side.

Six months ago when Google Maps' truck passed through this place was more secure.

This abandoned home is a three bathroom house--but there is not a bathroom in the basement.

The Chicagoland Neighborhood Group must have had a doorbuster special for this property they used to manage.

For decades--as a bone to the powerful Plumbers' Union--plastic pipes, which are less labor intensive than plastic, were illegal in Chicago.

Clear views are easy without glass in a window.

The view from the third floor. Imagine being a child and this was the view from your bedroom. The water tower is part of the former Dreis & Krump Manufacturing Company, which many years ago abandoned Chicago for the suburbs.

Time to head downstairs and continue exploring Chicago's South Side.

Next: The rest of West Englewood

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