Friday, July 10, 2015

(Photo) Remains of fire-damaged anti-GOP wall ad in Detroit

I spent most of this week in Detroit. The Motor City will figure into many Marathon Pundit posts in the upcoming months. Humbly, or maybe not, I expect my photographs and observation to be my most compelling work.

Here is my first post about the ghost town of Detroit.

Detroit hasn't had a Republican mayor since Louis Mirani, who later served a prison term for tax evasion, left office in 1962. In the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama received 98 percent of the vote in Detroit over Republican Mitt Romney--who was born in Motown. But apparently the GOP is a threat in Detroit.

Three years ago the wall of a vacant and tax-delinquent building at 2628 Rosa Parks Boulevard was professionally painted with this message: "Out of a job yet? Keep voting Republican. Bet $10,000. Obama & Biden. Vote 2012." No one seems to know how the $10K figures in here. The wall painting was visible from I-75.

Last year the building was destroyed in a fire.

Here's what the Obama-Biden wall looked like on Tuesday.

Because nothing says "Democratic success" like an anti-Republican brick-ad on an abandoned building destroyed by a fire.

Mirani's successor was liberal Democrat Jerome Cavanaugh, who pushed through Detroit's toxic city income and commuter taxes. He was mayor when the 1967 riot hastened the collapse of what was then America's fifth-most populous city.

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