SEIU protester, Skokie, IL, 2009 |
But for Obama, every day is Labor Day.
His allies in Congress schemed to enact the ludicrously misnamed Employee Free Choice Act into law, Big Labor's Holy Grail. EFCA included the anti-Democratic card check, which would remove workers' rights to a secret ballot in union organizing elections. But even with a large Democratic majority in the House and a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate, Obama and his party couldn't round up the votes to pass it.
But in a flanking maneuver, Obama radicalized the National Labor Relations Board, which is now trying to prevent Boeing from opening a plant in a right-to-work state. And in a ruling last week, the NLRB approved card check over a secret ballot election. And in a 2009 executive order, Obama essentially barred non-union companies from bidding on major federal construction projects. That order was signed just as the since-failed $862 billion stimulus passed Congress.
Happy Labor Days, Mr. President.
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