From another Chicago Tribune article:
Union leaders across the Chicago area fanned out to churches, mosques and synagogues this weekend to argue that organized labor's cause is on the side of God.He also called for companies to pay "living wages." He singled out Walmart.
In the modest cinder block confines of St. Agatha Catholic Church in Chicago's Lawndale neighborhood, James Thindwa of the Chicago Alliance of Charter Teachers & Staff asked parishioners to thank unions for such amenities as weekends and the eight-hour workday.
As heads nodded from the rows of plastic chairs, he derided executives for taking "ungodly" raises while subjecting workers to layoffs and benefit cuts.
"They're laying off workers. They're getting bailed out. It’s not a just situation," Thindwa said.
This rant once again, was in a church.
"For your information, the country is not broke," Thindwa added.
Was Jesus political?
"I think Jesus was highly political." Thindwa also said. "Jesus went into the temple and turned over the tables."
In addition to being a community activist, Thindwa is a board member of In These Times, a far-left publication.
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