Thursday, August 04, 2011

Hatch, Scott propose secret ballots on union decisions, limits on political spending

Bryce Nat'l Park, Utah
Here's some good news in regards to NLRB overreach, courtesy of The Hill:

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC) this week proposed legislation that would require all decisions to form unions, stay in unions and go on strike to be made by secret ballot, and prevent unions from spending dues on political activities without the written consent of workers.

Hatch said his bill, the Employee Rights Act, is not anti-union, but rather pro-worker, as it it aimed at giving workers more control over decisions to unionize or abandon a union.

"Contrary to what some may think, I am not anti-union and I do not want to stand in the way of unionization if the decision to unionize is truly the will of the employees," Hatch said. "However, I believe that the right not to join a union is equally important."

Scott, who announced his bill Thursday, said the bill is a reaction to "overreach" by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
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