The Democrats, facing historic losses in next week's midterm elections, are already planning their next war--with the help of the Pentagon. ABC News has the story:
A day after ABC News reported that Democratic Party officials asked the Pentagon for records of communication between military agencies and nine Republican presidential contenders, one of those possible candidates is firing back with his own public records request.Related posts:
Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn., is set to announce this afternoon that he's filing his own Freedom of Information Act request with a range of federal agencies. He's asking for details of the Democratic National Committee's role in promoting President Obama’s health care law.
"Next week's election isn't even here - and it will largely be a referendum on the president's failure to create jobs, out of control government spending, and an ill-conceived health care bill - but I find it ironic that they have given up the current fight and are instead so focused on the president's own re-election," Pawlenty said in a statement.
"But since they asked, and since they are so worried, I have some questions of my own about President Obama's time in the White House. For example, what was the DNC's role in selling Obamacare? Did the president's political advisers know the true costs of Obamacare?"
T-Paw statement on DFL anti-Catholic mailer
T-Paw on our $1 trillion annual deficit
T-Paw on ObamaCare six month anniversary
T-Paw fighting ObamaCare in Minnesota
T-Paw at Christian Science Monitor breakfast
T-Paw's budget a model for success
T-Paw on runaway Washington spending and the 2010 elections
T-Paw proposes Minnesota teachers reapply for tenure every five years
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