Jacobson doesn't think Kelly is a "real journalist"--but it was Kelly who was asking the tough questions of Rahm Emanuel at Chicago's Columbus Day parade last week--not the mainstream media reporters such as ABC 7's Charles Thomas and CBS 2's Jay Levine.
See for yourself:
Emanuel was at a public parade on a public street. He is a public figure running for public office. Kelly is a reporter, despite Thomas' claim to the contrary. I'm a reporter too, by the way.
Back to Jacobson: Warner Todd Huston (a damn good reporter, by the way) listened to Jacobson criticize Kelly on her show. Here's his reaction:
In her anger that someone other than she and her approved pals had the temerity to ask a question of a politician, Jacobson claimed that Kelly was not a "real" journalist. But as, on one hand, she kept saying that Kelly is "not a journalist," she kept saying he was practicing "ambush journalism" on the other. How Jacobson can keep saying he isn’t a "journalist" yet is "practicing" a form of journalism… well, who knows what logic that makes?

Now Jacobson obviously made horrible error in judgement and NBC 5 made the correct decision to fire her, but that does not mean she should be blackballed from journalism. We are a forgiving society--and that's how it should be.
But Amy: You are wrong about Kelly. And you are the wrong person to deliver the wrong message.
As for Jay Levine, I have a soft spot for him. Not only did he interview me last year in my living room for a story about trade shows, he and his wife, Mary Ann Childers, a CBS 2 Chicago anchor until 2008, had dinner at a downtown restaurant where my wife was a server. They left her a 100 percent tip.
Two days ago I tried to ask a question of Rep. Jan Schakowsky about the funding of a group she supports, J Street, an anti-Israel organization, by billionaire radical George Soros. She ignored me. Will the mainstream media ask her that question? Or about the constitutionality of ObamaCare?
Who are the "real journalists?"
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Rahm on listening tour: Not talking to reporters, getting ignored by commuters
Video: Schakowsky refuses to answer questions about Soros, constitutionality of ObamaCare
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