As is explained in the below press release, Citizen Action/Illinois used to be led by Robert Creamer, the ex-con husband of Pollak's opponent, Jan Schakowsky. Creamer kited checks while running the group.
From a Pollak press release: and Citizen Action/Illinois, two far-left groups, have told their members to protest at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago on Wednesday at 12:00 p.m., outside the fundraiser for Republican Joel Pollak’s campaign to unseat 9th district incumbent Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).I will be attending the fundraiser.
The fundraiser will feature Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), ranking member of the House budget committee and author of the “Roadmap for America’s Future."
In an e-mail circulated to activists, local coordinator Jacob Hoag calls for a “Rally to Protect Social Security” outside the hotel, which will “protest the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare."
Pollak welcomed the demonstrators.
"The protest by and Citizen Action/Illinois is the latest sign that my opponent is running scared," he said. "Our campaign has turned the 9th district into a competitive race in 2010."
To drive up attendance at the protest tomorrow, Hoag is claiming that the Pollak fundraiser is the “national kickoff” for Rep. Ryan's "Roadmap" and the “beginning [of] a national tour to promote cuts to and the privatization of Medicare and Social Security." Hoag also claims that 10th district "Candidate Bob Dold (R) who is running against Dan Seals is also using this event for a boost." (Full text of Hoag email follows, below.)
These claims are false, Pollak noted.
"Paul Ryan is coming to Chicago to endorse my campaign, not to kick off a national tour," Pollak said. “Bob Dold is not 'using' our event, nor has he even told us he is planning to attend--though he is certainly invited. And there is nothing in the 'Roadmap' about privatizing Medicare and Social Security. In fact, it calls for government-managed retirement funds, and measures to protect Medicare from financial collapse."
Pollak noted that his opponent has close ties to Citizen Action/Illinois through her husband, Robert Creamer.
"Mr. Creamer once led Citizen Action/Illinois, but resigned after the FBI began investigating him for bank fraud and tax evasion--charges for which he was later convicted and sent to federal prison. Ms. Schakowsky still sits on the Policy Council of Citizen Action/Illinois. It is likely, in my view, that she and her husband are coordinating this protest."
Pollak added that he will be glad to provide copies of the Roadmap to demonstrators.
"I doubt that our friends from and Citizen Action/Illinois have even bothered to read the Roadmap. Schakowsky and Creamer are using lies to scare seniors and avoid a debate about the challenges facing our nation. Thankfully, seniors, and voters, are smarter than that. The 9th district is ready to vote for a fresh start in November!"
The Pollak for Congress fundraiser featuring Joel Pollak and Paul Ryan will proceed as planned at the Four Seasons Hotel, 120 East Delaware Place, Chicago, IL 60611 at 12:00 p.m. Tickets are available at
To schedule an interview, or to reserve a spot at the luncheon, please contact Shalom Klein, Media Director, at or 773.547.3822**Text of Action Illinois email**
[Recipient addresses redacted]
Subject: [council] ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT to Protect Social Security & Medicare
THIS IS YOUR SECOND REMINDER about the Rally to Protect Social Security Wednesday 9-1-10 at Noon at the Four Seasons hotel (120 E. Delaware). All the details are included in the first reminder here. Please attend and spread the word.
The IL 9th District Council is encouraging you to attend an event to protest the dismantling of Social Security & Medicare.
Next Wednesday Sept. 1st, Citizen Action IL is holding an important event to fight the Conservative efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare. At noon on September 1st, there will be a protest outside the national kick off for Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) "Roadmap for America's Future".
Conservative Republicans are beginning a national tour to promote cuts to and the privatization of Medicare and Social Security. The Chicago event kicks off the national tour. On the 1st, we want to make sure they know Americans want to preserve these programs. Unlike the past, privatization and cuts are on the table and there are folks in Washington that want to cut these programs.
The protest is in front of the Four Seasons Hotel (120 E. Delaware) Wednesday 9-1-10 from noon until 1pm.
Joel Pollak (R) is running against Rep. Jan Schakowsky and the event on the 1st is an endorsement event for him. Candidate Bob Dold (R) who is running against Dan Seals is also using this event for a boost.
Link to Representative Ryan's website:
Link to Rep. Pollaks website:
We strongly encourage you to attend and make your feelings known. Citizens Action IL is an important Progressive Partner and this is a vital issue for all members of the MoveOn IL 9th District Council. Please let me know if you can attend. Spread the word and mark your calendar. We'll see you there!
Jacob Hoag
Progressive Partners Coordinator
IL 9th District Council
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