Yes, she really is appealing her guilty plea.
Conyers is married to House Judiciary Committee John Conyers, who has been serving in Congress since 1965. Perhaps he's a cheapskate, or maybe he can't find his wallet, but I think the chairman simply knows the system too well--if taxpayers are writing the check for something, then it's free. John Conyers could be the model Democrat.
I had to read this Detroit News story several times to make sure I read it right.
(Last) month, former Councilwoman Monica Conyers, who lives in a house near Detroit Golf Club worth $334,000 and whose congressman husband makes $170,000, raised eyebrows when a federal judge declared her indigent and appointed an attorney to handle her appeal on bribery charges.
The declaration upset more than a few observers, but recent court documents indicate there could be something to Conyers' claims of poverty.
Conyers once famously told aide Sam Riddle "You better get my loot, that's all I know." She claimed the statement was taken out of context. But if she wants to save a rental house registered to her at 3351 Charlevoix, Conyers better come up with some. The Wayne County Treasurer filed a foreclosure auction on the home on March 26, claiming she owes $241.58 from her 2008 taxes and owes another $642.49 from 2009.
The News reports that Ms. Conyers almost lost the rental property last year for unpaid taxes--but paid up on time.
I don't want to sound rich--these are tough times--but heck, we're talking less than a thousand dollars. My guess is than Monica is just irresponsible, and her husband could be too.
The irony is thick here: Monica Conyers isn't paying her taxes, but taxpayers are paying her legal bills, and John Conyers is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. His salary is paid by taxpayers.
Oh, Michigan, you're giving Illinois a run for its corrupt money.
Related posts:
Clueless Conyers on non-existent Constitutional clause protecting ObamaCare
Irony: Conyers a cosponsor of legislation giving 4 million felons the right to vote
2008 video: 8th grader tells Monica Conyers to act like an adult
John Conyers on not reading bills
Rep. Conyers' wife declared indigent by court, taxpayers to pay her legal fees
House Ethics Committee: Please investigate John Conyers
Rep. John Conyers' wife sentenced to 37 months in federal prison
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Surely this is an April Fool's joke?
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